Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Boggle Post test

Ah, yeah. I just inserted the image and selected "left" align for it, and that put the words over here. I changed the margin from the default of 10px to 20px so the bullets didn't appear on top of the image.

Now for the bulleted list in two columns, just write your list of words with bullets. The columns will require you to go into HTML and add table tags.

  • wise
  • rose
  • two
  • term

  • few
  • wet
  • wets
  • stew

  • Ta-da!

    Sunday, July 27, 2008

    Creating a favicon on your Blogger blog...

    You need a favicon. Don't argue with me, yes you do. Because I'm so frickin' tired of looking at those orange squares with the funky "B"s in them. So, please. Create a small image, ideally 15x15 pixels, call it something.ico (you might need to save the file as a .gif, then change the name of the file so that the extention is .ico... that's how I did it), upload it to the location of your choice, then do this:

    * Click on the "Layout" tab.

    * Select "Edit HTML".

    * In the scary-looking code there, find where it says "[title][somethingorother][/title]. Click after this to put your cursor there.

    * Press "enter" to drop to a new line.

    * Put "[link href="''" rel="'shortcut" type="'image/x-icon'/"] (where "locationofyourimage" is the actual location where you've uploaded it to).

    * Click on "Save Template".

    (Replace all the brackets with the opening and closing tag symbols, of course!)

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